Holy Spirit’s Power in Iran
In 1971, the Islamic Shi-ite Republic of Iran was formed with a Muslim Theocratic form of government. In the Iranian theocracy, the assembly of Shi-ite Muslim experts selects an ultimate supreme leader. All are Shi-ite Muslim clerics. Under the supreme leader, a lay president is elected by the people for a maximum length of two consecutive four year terms. Prior to the election, the president is approved as a nominee by the assembly of Muslim experts.
The government of Iran has recently passed two new laws which decree the death penalty to (1) any Shi-ite Muslim who leaves Islam for another religion and (2) any person who converts a Shi-ite Muslim to another religion.
As Iranian Christians face severe persecution, they are prevailing in prayer before God; and in answer to their prayers the Holy Spirit is working mightily across Iran. Muslims are having supernatural dreams and visions of Jesus. Powerful healings and miracles are taking place. Through these supernatural experiences in the last twenty years, more Iranians have come to Christ than in the last 14 centuries before. More Iranians have become Christians in the last 25 years than at any time since the dawn of Islam.
In the Iranian underground church movement, literally hundreds of house churches have sprung up. Some Christian leaders in Iran claim that there are over a million secret Spirit-filled Christians. The Lord is building and readying His church around the world for the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
“Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your
offspring from the east, and gather you from the west.
I will say to the north, ‘Give them up,’ and to the
South, ‘Do not hold back.’ Bring My sons from afar
And My daughters from then ends of the earth.
Everyone who is called by My name, and whom I
Have created for My glory, whom I have formed,
Even whom I have made.”
Isaiah 43:5-7