Lie Number 10: Homosexuals are Created
Lie Number 10. Homosexuality Is Not A Choice, For Homosexuals Are Created And Born That Way
Born that way! In our modern day this is the anthropology of a godless society. This has also become the theology of the apostate church. Different strokes for different folks. You see, after all, they are just being themselves as they were intended to be. Live and let live! I’m okay, you’re okay! Adam and Eve! Adam and Steve! Eve and Eve! Not only are those who live this lie unfathomable, but the heterosexuals who believe this lie are equally astonishing. How is it possible for man to buy into such falsehood, whether they are homosexual or heterosexual? It has been said that if truth is naked to the skin, lies are naked to the bone. How then does such a huge and gross deception come to be believed and lived? Perhaps some of what follows will help us to understand.
Let it be said at the outset that homosexuality is a sin according to God. As a matter of fact, it is called by Him an abominable sin. Homosexuality is particularly loathsome to God. We read in Leviticus 18:22, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” When God created man and woman, along with everything else that He created, he said about his creation of the first married couple in history in Genesis 1:31 that, “…this is very good.” When on the other hand it comes to men having sex with or marrying other men, and women having sex with and marrying other women, God tell us in no uncertain terms in His Word, “This is very bad.”
God did not create homosexuals and lesbians, because He did not and does not create evil. God created heterosexual man and woman, because He created only that which is good. God is not the originator or the author of sin. So therefore, homosexuals and lesbians are such because they choose to be such. They choose sin over righteousness, just as do adulterers, murderers, thieves etc. Sin is choosing to be something other than God made us to be. Romans 3:23 says about each one of us, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Some choose this life of sin, and others choose that life of sin. We have all sinned, if it is simply a life of ignoring God. That is why we all need a Savior to make us what God intended us to be. His name is Jesus!
Well then, how does something so perverse come about? We read in II Corinthians 4:4, “…the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving….” It is all part of Satan’s bag of tricks. The prince of darkness can falsify our notions and totally disorder our thinking. He can do it quicker than you can say “Beetlejuice” three times. The devil can twist and confuse man’s thinking so subtly that they don’t even realize that he has done it. And not only that, but he causes man to call his fallacies the gospel truth. He causes them to lie just like he lies, and so they say as they shift the blame, “God made me a homosexual, I got my strong sexual desires for men from Him.” There are prominent churches and church leaders that teach this very thing, such as Kathrine Jefferts Schori who is the chief bishop of the Episcopalian Church of the United States of America.
We should bear in mind that there are many people who will judge our religion to be a lie when we lie in our religion. We have pastors and bishops in the church preaching lies and saying what the gay community wants to hear. Can Satan get a grip on the minds of God’s prophets so that they too hold back the truth and preach untruth as the truth? Indeed! When ole wicked King Ahab was coming to his time of full rot and ruin and was about to perish in both, the same demon that had soiled his life was now going to be instrumental in ending it. That demon, mind you, was so bold and brazen, as Hell is, that he bragged about his devilish control of the prophets to God as we read in I Kings 22:22, “…I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets….” That is exactly what is happening in the church today as many of the prophets of God not only condone homosexuality, but they have become homosexuals and lesbians themselves. I first came across this in my ancestral land of the Netherlands where we found churches being falsely and corruptly shepherded by gay pastors. Now it has come here to America.
But mind you, Satan has a grinding and raging motive for it all. Very simple! He is by nature the consummate antithesis to God. He is God’s total opposite and He hates God with a passion. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. (I John 1:5) Satan is darkness and in him there is no light at all, even though he disguises himself as an angel of light when he messes with our minds! (II Corinthians 11:14) Being the hateful opposite of God that he is, his entire design is to remake the creation of God into the exact opposite of what God created it and man to be. Now you are seeing it!
Oh yes, I can hear Satan saying, “So, God made man to love woman and woman to love man. I will produce homosexuals who love and marry men, and lesbians who love and marry women, and throw His creation back in His face all reversed, twisted and distorted.” Or again, “So, God made the womb to be place of conception and life. I will twist and reverse it by abortion, and make the womb a place of deception and death.” Or again, “So, God made marriage to be a relationship of love and oneness. I will distort and reverse marriage into a relationship of hatred and divorce.” Or again, “So, God made everything very good. I am Hell-bent to make everything very bad and throw it back in God’s face.” And he has done it and is doing it!
I’ve got great good news for you. If you have been trapped in the Devil’s scheme of perversion, there is one way out, and His name is Jesus. We read about what Jesus the Son of God can and will do for you in John 8:36, “If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed!” I have seen again and again the Savior save men from the sin of homosexuality and now they are wonderfully married to loving wives and are raising God-fearing families. Seeing Satan has lied to you and twisted and deformed your life, why don’t you reverse the reversal on him by serving Jesus and throwing your old life back in the devil’s face?! Go for it! Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior today and He will recreate your life and turn it from homosexuality to heterosexuality, from sin to righteousness, from guilt to innocence, from ugliness into beauty, and from death to life. How is that for holy reversals?
For This Cause A Man Shall Leave His Father And His Mother, And Shall Cleave To His Wife; And They Shall Become One Flesh – Genesis 2:24